Disinformation and Deep Fakes: Identifying Fake News to Fight Business Threats
April 13th, 2021 | 1 PM ET
Matthew F. Ferraro, a former US intelligence officer and currently an attorney at Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, will present on Disinformation and Deep Fakes: Identifying Fake News to Fight Business Threats. He will discuss the dangers disinformation and synthetic media, or deepfakes, pose to politics, society, and business. Through deep fakes and other means, disinformation attacks on the private sector are an ambient and growing business risk. Whether they come from trolls looking to sow chaos, market manipulators aiming to make a fast payday, or foreign governments attempting to boost “national champion” companies in a given industry, misinformation attacks in the private sector are growing in both size and complexity. Mr. Ferraro will discuss concrete steps companies of all sizes can take to prepare for and mitigate these threats in the evolving information environment.